This begins part one on Zoom

Some of us start out as a tourist at SAA meetings – the member who shows up every week .. but doesn’t get a sponsor, doesn’t work the steps ..and doesn’t stop acting out – This resistance to surrendering to the SAA program is rooted in pride and a stubborn unwillingness to admit defeat – despite the pain and consequences. As a tourist, you cling to the belief that you are not really powerless and that just going to meetings .. or going to church or seeing a therapist … will be enough to turn things around without too much inconvenience. SAA tourists drop in and out for months or even years with no sobriety before one final crisis bring us to our bottom makes us willing at last to get serious. (Paraphrased from p 99 from the Green Book of SAA)

Welcome to this Big Book StudyTelemeeting for sobriety from sex addiction. Now let’s take thirty seconds of silence to meditate and invite Higher Power to our meeting. We’ll follow that with the Serenity Prayer (or other suitable prayer).

Who would like to introduce themselves or welcome the newcomer?


(Forward to the First Edition We of Sex Addicts Anonymous are more that one hundred men and women who have recovered from a seemingly hopeless state of mind and body. To show other sex addicts precisely how we have recovered is the main purpose of this book. For them we hope these pages will prove so convincing that no further authentication will be necessary. We think this account of our experiences will help everyone better understand the sex addict. Many do not comprehend that the sex addict is avery sick person. And besides, we are sure that our way of living has itsadvantages for all.)

My name is ________ and I’m a (recovered) sex addict. Our Group Conscience has elected to use the Big book of A.A. as its basic text for sobriety from sex addiction. Time and experience have proven it to be a successful approach to the Steps no matter what the addictive problem may be. More importantly, this is what worked for us.The study leader is responsible for keeping the meeting focused on understanding the Big Book passages. We will have time to share after the study. If you are new, coming back, or have questions, we really would like to get to know you better. Members from this group who are willing to sponsor will announce their names and phone numbers.

__________ will be our study leader. They will be using the Dallas SAA Big Book study Guide to better understand today’s selected passages using a question and answer format,

(now turn it over to the study leader)

My name is_______ , and I am a sex addict. “ll be your study leader this evening. Before we begin our study we are going to review a Tradition. This week’s Tradition is Tradition __ and I’ve asked ________ to read the long form of theTradition followed by the short form and to offer some comments.

We will begin our study on page ________. That will be in Chapter _________

(Ask a member to read 2-3 paragraphs then start with the first paragraph to go line by line with the study guide)

Let’s open that paragraph up for comment on the precise instructions it contains.”


Our group conscience believes that the place to check-in or get current is with your sponsor. If you want to sponsor or find new program friends, please announce your name and phone number.

Please take advantage of the SAAPP.CA website for Twelve Step based resources for sobriety from sex addiction.

Let’s have a minute of silence for these and for the addict who still suffers followed by the Serenity Prayer (or choose an appropriate closing prayer).


Now it’s time for fellowship. Please becareful of you decide to give out personal information. Are there any newcomers here today?